Finding A Pre-Owned Vehicle

Searching for a used vehicle is time consuming and there is a lot to know regarding overall condition, history, value, reliability, transfer of title and who you are getting the car from.  It’s easy to search online through car ads, but there are a lot of scams and misrepresentation when dealing with the general public and dealers online.  We see them all the time and know how to spot them.

Not all damage is reported to CarFax.  OC Car Source has been appraising vehicles long before CarFax was even available, so we can look at a vehicle and tell if it’s been in an accident.

Additionally, we have years of experience working on vehicles, giving us an advantage when inspecting and evaluating the mechanical integrity.  

OC Car Source’s strong network of personal contacts, as well as our in-depth experience utilizing multiple online resources to locate the right vehicle for my clients, allows us to find you the right car, at the right price.  

With our experience in purchasing pre-owned vehicles, OC Car Source takes the guesswork out of buying a used car. We know everything there is to know when it comes to purchasing used cars. 

If a vehicle is out there, we can find it, and we’re very particular about the vehicles we look for (just like you would be), they must meet certain criteria to be recommended to our clients. 

So you can be rest assured, we’ve checked the vehicle top to bottom to make sure you’re bringing home a vehicle in excellent condition that will last you a long time.

Customer Vehicle Gallery

Here's just a small sample of some of the beautiful cars we've helped our clients purchase. Click on any image to enlarge. We hope to have a photo of your new vehicle in our gallery soon!

Get Started Today!

Contact OC Car Source today and begin the process to getting the car you’ve been wanting, with no hassles, no compromises and no extra cash flying out the door.  We’re ready to assist you today!

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